Day 1
Namely an outer tissue covering a body, the SKINs represented in this section decline the various characteristics and the essence of this ‘corporeal’ component. The skin in its materiality is seen as a superficial layer, part of a body that separates it from the outer space or from other bodies. The encounter and interaction of bodies is possible through the skin itself, that is a barrier and a connector at the same time. The flesh covers the body as a fabric and is naked at the same time. This liminal part of our being is made up, dressed up, altered and through this ‘distortions’, ‘variations’, ‘altered images’ of the original nudity, the body takes its own place in the space. In other words, we “perform” in society with the (best) ‘images’ of ourselves. The natural, physical, sensual, sexual, aesthetical, social, aspects of the SKIN are displayed in this section.
Daniela Zahlner | for the soft glow ahead | 3’16’
Rowland Hill | Tha-at’s right |11’15’’
Dorothy Allen-Pickard | Material Bodies | 4’22’’
Meghana Bisineer | Dust | 5’15’’
Boris Contarin | La Chair du Monde | 2’’
Max Breakenridge | Enveloped / Ecstatic | 11’58’’
Milva Stutz | My Dear Lover | 9’57’’
Benedito Ferreira | Bestiário | 5’
Benjamin Ivy | A Malady in Stillness | 7’28’’
Daniele Costa | X | 16’44’’
Gina Peyran Tan | Dialectics | 4’35’’
Emelie Wingårdh | What Do You Do When You Can’t Sleep | 3’58’’
Jeremy Hutchison in collab. with Oisin Byrne | Dear Mr Zuckerberg (2020) | 6’20’’
From LUX Archive:
James Richards | Radio At Night | 8’10’’

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