Day 2
Mechanic acts of interaction with other bodies. Domination, fragmentation, decomposition, incorporation, and incarnation. An entire body divides into other bodies, images, or realities. A fragmented unity that gives birth to other images. Hands, feet, heads, or just ‘other’ images. From the fragmentation and suffering, a new reality is born. Destruction, ‘death’ and again life. The new body is born from a post-apocalyptic landscape. Like in a composter of a garden, the macerate matter gives origin to new forms of life. The old body has to (visually) disappear to give birth to something else. Incomparable ‘images’ and yet linked. Reconsidering instincts, emotions, social roles, ethical responsibilities, violence, disgust, BITING & CHEWING displays the metamorphosis of the ‘images’.
Sam Williams | Salvage Rhythms | 23’
Céline Fantino | Toutes Les Nuits Tombent | 6’01’’
Miguel Martin | Eat the Rich | 4’32’’
Henry Bradley | Frenulum | 4’05’’
Helen Anna Flanagan | Gestures of Matter | 12’36’’
Eleni Tomadaki | Mum I’m Scurgy | 6’40’’
Pauline Maure | Baby Skin (Aren’t you a sweet pie?) | 2’16’’
Aiman Verma | Diaspora Forensics | 9’06’’
Michel Aniol | Today a Hobo, Tomorrow God | 15’17’’
Shia Jim Conlon | Exalted | 10’37’’
From LUX Archive:
Sarah Pucill | You Be Mother | 6’29’’

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