In line with our missions, we aspire to projects that will help The Room Projectsdevelop into a critical and committed platform.
We want to produce art-related projects including visual, sound and video art, to open a transnational and nomadic dimension of collaboration and dialogue.
The Red Room | Sound Art
Starting from the concept of the soundscape as a physical environment and a way of perceiving it (R. Murray Schafer, 1977), we asked international sound artists and musicians to compose two tracks from raw sounds recorded in the city of Paris.
The Red Room
The Red Room brings together works composed by international artists, evolving in beat-making, field recording and sound design.
Starting from the concept of the soundscape as a physical environment and a way of perceiving it (R. Murray Schafer, 1977), we asked international sound artists and musicians to compose two tracks from raw sounds recorded in the city of Paris.
All artists, regardless of location, worked on the same recording to deliver their personal interpretation of the initial soundscape. From Paris, Sydney or Tokyo, they explored the relationship between sound and space through the traces of a near or distant urban scenery. All the variations of the initial theme were brought together to create a new soundscape, The Red Room.
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body’s room
AN ONLINE VIDEO ART SCREENING Based on the research on “cannibal image” led by Founder and Director Alessandra Chiericato, no — body’s room brings together video artworks that reflect on the idea of the image as a “living body”, nourishing itself with other images.
In December 2020 The Room Projects opened an international call for artists. The selected artworks establish a dialogue between the representation of the human body and the moving images, following three sub-categories: Skin, Biting and Chewing, Viscera.
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Window A / Window B
Being isolated means to find oneself in a sort of spatial and emotional limbo where the risk of feeling lonely and disconnected grows exponentially. Forced in this condition, we felt the urgency to explore different kinds of physicality and to recreate a sense of community.
That is why in April 2020 – in the middle of a global lockdown – we asked international sound artists and musicians to compose two personal soundscapes that reflect their perception of the Indoor and Outdoors: WINDOW A and WINDOW B.
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Being isolated means to find oneself in a sort of spatial and emotional limbo where the risk of feeling lonely and disconnected grows exponentially. Forced in this condition, we felt the urgency to explore different kinds of physicality and to recreate a sense of community.
That is why in April 2020 – in the middle of a global lockdown – we asked international sound artists and musicians to compose two personal soundscapes that reflect their perception of the Indoor and Outdoors: WINDOW A and WINDOW B.
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The Room Projects
An atypical and nomadic curatorial platform, The Room Projects was founded in 2019 with the aim of providing contemporary artists with a multifaceted space - both physical and virtual - that focuses on their creative process.
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